Rise Above Quilt Along!

Rise Above QAL


Come join me in the Rise Above Quilt Along! A laid back virtual quilting event with the purpose of making beautiful quilts (of any size) with friends new and old! You can find all the details below!

Hosting my Celestial Star QAL in 2014 was so much fun, and I decided it’s about time to do that again! I love the social interactions of a quilt along, and that is what the focus will be of this QAL, which also means it will be a little more laid back in structure, and hopefully more fun!!


Pattern: Rise Above pattern
Make any number and variations of the Rise Above pattern you want!

Use the coupons and save!! They expire July 28th.Rise Above Coupons


When: July 17th – October 2nd, 2017, Voting from Oct 2nd – Oct 9th.

Where: Check in here for links to all blog posts and social happenings. Sign up for my newsletter for weekly updates (and other goodies you won’t want to miss! Like some awesome new release (exclusive) discounts for the Rise Above pattern!! {wink wink})

Get started here:

What to expect during the QAL:

With the laid back format, I’m not going to plan specific blog posts or tutorials. I have tutorials on my blog as well as on YouTube, and there are other methods of paper piecing all over the web. Instead I’m going to have set social aspects to the QAL that you can join in as you want and are able! I want to focus on meeting new people and sewing together instead of all the behind the scenes busy work I had in my last QAL.

Here are some of the things to look forward to: (all are optional)

  • Meet and Greet progress posts!
  • Weekly

Once a week I’ll share a post of my progress with a question, and the hashtag (#RiseAboveQAL)! After which, you can share your progress photo and answer the question, with the hashtag. Following the hashtag we can look through and meet however many new people, comment on their posts and introduce ourselves!

If you prefer Facebook, all posting will be done in the Facebook group to make it easier to socialize and find each other there.

It’ll be a fun way to see where everyone is and what they are working on! And to make some new friends!

  • Virtual Quilt Along Night
  • Thursdays, 8pm-10pm CST

On Thursday nights I’ll get on social media, Instagram and Facebook, and work on my blocks! Follow the hashtag (#RiseAboveQAL) on Instagram or chat in the Facebook group, as we all work together! The virtual quilt along can go outside of this time frame – especially for those in other time zones, but this gives us a set time to work around to quilt together!

This will be a good time to ask questions, whether to me or the group, ask for and share tips, techniques, suggestions, etc. As well as just socialize and have fun of course!

  • YouTube videos

I already have some videos up that use my Rise Above pattern, but I’ll add more as I find a need for more, or to ask questions, or demonstrate different aspects of the quilt! Perhaps we can even do some live videos and you can ask questions and get answers in real time! These will happen as opportunities and needs arise. So if you want me to share something specific, let me know!!

Do you want to join me?!! Share this image (or the image above) to let us know you’re quilting along!!


Yes, there are just a few rules. Though they are easy to follow and will ensure for a positive experience for everyone. By joining the giveaways you automatically are agreeing to the rules. If you break the rules you will be ineligible to win prizes and will be kicked out of the Facebook group. I LOVE to love people, but am also not afraid to put my foot down when things get out of line.

  1. BE KIND! If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it. and don’t say it somewhere else instead either. Simply be kind. πŸ˜€
  2. As with all of my patterns, they are for individual use only! Do not share patterns with anyone. Do not copy, alter, redistribute, or sell patterns. Do not trade or pass around or take turns using them. By purchasing my patterns you agree to abide by this rule, this QAL event is no exception. My business depends on this rule! Thank you for your support!
  3. Have fun! This isn’t meant to stress anyone out or be scary. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and come socialize with us and share your projects! We love to see what everyone makes no matter how skilled or experienced you are!



Giveaway 1:

Let’s start this off right! To join the first giveaway for your chance to win some free supplies for your balloons!! Begins now, don’t forget to come back and purchase the pattern! Winner will be announced on Friday July 28th.

To Enter:

  • Share one of the images above on your social media outlets (Instagram and Facebook, blog) and let everyone know you’re joining in. (Instagram accounts and Facebook posts must be public in order to be entered so I can see your posts. If you blog about it, send me an email with the subject line “Rise Above Giveaway 1” and the link to your blog so I can come find you and make sure you’re entered!)
  • Tag me (@fromblankpages) and use hashtag #RiseAbove (if no hashtag no entry – this ensures your post shows up when I draw a winner!) not applicable for blogs.
  • Purchase the Rise Above pattern (available on July 17th!)
  • Agree to the rules above.


Purple Daisies Quilting

Cristy at Purple Daisies Quilting is sponsoring the following prizes!!

Glue Tips!!!

If you haven’t tried glue basting, or using glue tips, this is just what you need! I special requested glue tips for this prize, so that you can have a chance to try them out while you make your Rise Above blocks!!!

This stunning Fabric Bundle!!


Giveaway 2:

This is for everyone who endures through the QAL and finishes their project! πŸ˜€

There will be 4 prizes! 1 randomly chosen project, and 3 voters choice awards! (1 for small project, 1 for large project, 1 for overall) (Good motivation to have fun and stretch you just a little to make something you’ll really love!!)

To Enter:

  1. As soon as you decide to join in share the above image from Giveaway 1 and use the hashtag (even if you join after Giveaway 1 is over). This is like the initiation into the QAL! πŸ˜‰ just kidding. But it does let us know who we’ll be quilting with and who to follow! So let us know so we can come and say hi!
  2. Follow this link to fill out this form: Name, email, project size (small project (1-4 blocks for a pillow or mini quilt, etc) or a large project (5+ blocks). You can always make more blocks than what you committed to, but if you make less, you won’t qualify. You can also commit to more than 1 project, for instance 5 mini quilts with 1 block each would be 5 different projects – so enter 5 times.).
  3. Agree to the rules above.
  4. Make your project and link it up before October 2nd. Small projects must be completely finished (quilted and bound), large projects need the quilt tops complete, but do not need to be quilted or bound.
  5. Linked projects must be made between the dates that you sign up (in step 1 AND 2) and before Oct. 2nd. No waiting to see if you actually make something before committing. πŸ˜‰
  6. Voting will start October 2nd. (Be sure to share with your friends so they can vote for your project!)
  7. Winners will be announced Tues October 10th!

You may be wondering why you have to commit at the beginning? It adds accountability and makes it more fair for those who really want to join and quilt along.

You are MORE THAN WELCOME to join in the quilt along and make blocks and quilts and everything in between and not join the giveaways, but I want to make sure the prizes are going to those who are willing to commit and follow through. (Something I’m not always good at, and is a trait to be commended, so I want to make sure that those who do this are rewarded!) You may or may not agree with this, but I hope we can all have fun nonetheless!

Whether you join the giveaways or not, I hope that you’ll still share the QAL image so we can say hi to everyone we’re quilting with! πŸ™‚

More details on prizes to come!!


I think that’s it! I’ll add more details and links to this page as I get them, so be sure to bookmark this page so you can always find the details and come and quilt along!

Thank you so much for joining me!! I can’t wait to start quilting with you!!

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