Celestial Star QAL
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am for this quilt along!!! Your excitement is contagious! Thank you! I hope that it will all run smoothly, and perfectly, and you won't see my nervousness come through. ;) But no matter what happens, I am ready to have fun and make something gorgeous!! And I hope you are too!
The full schedule is below. Each week I'll post link ups and hashtags (on Instagram) for the specific week/topic. Three of the weeks will have prizes attached when you link up/tag your photos on time. So make sure to check back here for details on each post! No one needs more WIPs to add to the pile, so this will hopefully be some great motivation to keep us all on track. Note the guest bloggers!! They are awesome!
Celestial Star QAL Schedule:
(updated 12/2/24 to only include posts needed to follow along with the QAL now that it's past)
Mon, 14th: Color & Design
Wed, 16th: Fabric & Design
Mon, 21st: Cutting Fabric (I'll teach you all about my favorite thing: cutting templates!!)
Wed, 23rd: Paper Piecing
Fri, 25th: Guest Blogger: Cristy Fincher
Mon, 28th: Trim & Join Segments
Wed, 30th: Join Wedges/Create a Quilt Block
Fri, 1st: Guest Blogger: Courtney Lyons
Mon, 18th: Exciting Announcement
Mon, 8th: Joining Multiple Blocks
Wed, 10th: Quilting
Fri, 12th: Guest Blogger: Jennifer Rossotti
Tues, 16th: Progress Post: ALL 12 blocks
Wed, 17th: Binding
15th - 16th: Progress Weeks! Time to finish up!
Mon, 29th: Finish and Final Link Up! Open until Oct. 5th
Mon 6th: Final Winners Announced!
Please note:
- My blog posts will be as detailed as possible with the techniques I use to complete each step. I want to make this as beginner friendly as possible!! LET'S CONQUER THAT PAPER PIECING FEAR TOGETHER!! :D
- You can check the hashtags on Instagram, if they are still working, that people used for the QAL (I tried to link them, but the links are no longer working. Maybe it'll work inside the app?):
- #CelestialStarQAL
- #CelestialStarDesign
- #CelestialStarBlocks
- #CelestialStarQuilting
- IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS during any part of the QAL, leave a comment on the blog! I will do my best to answer all questions during the Progress Weeks, if not before.
- International Participants are welcome! All sponsors will ship internationally, so no one will be left out! :)
- Patterns are for individual use ONLY. Please do not share copies with others. Thank you for respecting this and for your support!
Fabric Requirements: It is impossible for me to tell you how much you will need. Because of the diversity of designs that can be created, I have no idea of knowing the number of fabrics you will use, or how much of each. Using the cutting templates will reduce the amount of fabric you use significantly, depending on how you cut out your fabric otherwise.
Now let's get Started!!!
If you haven't already, grab your pattern!! (Patterns are available as a collection or in individual sizes).
Start printing out some of the Coloring Pages and start playing around with designs! Monday will come quicker than we realize!! :) I'm so excited!!