Celestial Star QAL: All 12 Blocks
Someone asked to see all my blocks all together, and I have been on a mission to do so!! I have been trying to get a good picture of my quilt and all the blocks since I finished the quilt top. It has not been an easy task, but I think I finally got some decent shots.
So here they are!! I am in love...
A quick bench shot. It's a large quilt!
They aren't all perfect, but I am pretty darned pleased with them!! ;)
I asked my little boys if they would help me hold it up so I could get a picture of the entire quilt. They are so sweet and did their very best! My little guy just isn't quite tall enough yet, but he is as sweet as can be!! love their little fingers and tops of their heads.
So there are all 12 blocks!!
You can purchase the Celestial Star pattern HERE.
I am planning on compiling an instruction PDF document that will show in detail how I constructed each block: fabric placement, value scheme, cheater cutting templates, etc for all the blocks. It won't be ready until after the QAL is finished probably, as I need to finish my quilt first. So if anyone wants to duplicate any of these blocks, but feels intimidated at all, hopefully this will help out! ;)
(Updated 10/20/14) Until I get the PDF completed, here are some posts that will hopefully help you recreate this quilt, whether you want to make the entire quilt or just one or two blocks:
This post talks about color and value. These are important to pay attention to in order to create a design that pops! Or not pop, if that's not what you are going for. :) It also shows how I used the coloring pages to come up with designs. https://fromblankpages.com/blogs/tutorials/celestial-star-qal-color-deisgn
This post talks about design and shows each of the blocks I created. You should be able to use these pictures for reference, and can transfer them to the coloring pages at the end of the pattern. I also share how I used value for picking fabric. https://fromblankpages.com/blogs/tutorials/celestial-star-qal-fabric
There is also a post about cutting templates. These make crating certain blocks much much easier!! https://fromblankpages.com/blogs/tutorials/celsetial-star-qal-cutting-fabric
How is everyone doing?!! Have you started quilting?? I need to hurry up!