River Pond QAL: Plan & Color, Part 2
You can find more info and the schedule HERE. Read Plan & Color Part 1 HERE.
While this content is directed toward the River Pond QAL, the same concepts can be applied to any quilt that you are making.
You can purchase the River Pond pattern HERE
To sum up, the purpose of Plan & Color Part 1 was to help you to start noticing different elements of design in a quilt and to begin to see how they play together to make different styles/designs. Why is this important?? Because the more you practice this, the better you’ll be at mixing the different elements when you are planning every quilt you make starting now, to create quilts that you LOVE!
Today we are going to put that into practice! Are you ready?!
Color & Design: https://fromblankpages.com/blogs/tutorials/celestial-star-qal-color-deisgn
Fabric & Color: https://fromblankpages.com/blogs/tutorials/celestial-star-qal-fabric
Let's Play!
You MIGHT already have your quilt planned out, and your fabrics picked, but even if you do, play along with us anyway, K?!
I don’t really have anything else to say except that now it’s time to implement some of the things you’ve picked out from studying your inspirational quilts.
I’m not going to repeat myself and talk more about color and color in regards to fabric – if you want to know more of that theory, check out the links above.
- Print or copy the coloring pages
- Print out (or copy if you have a hard copy of the River Pond pattern) at least 3 or 4, or more, copies of the coloring pages.
- Gather Some Colors
- Gather crayons, colored pencils, markers, whatever medium you want to use, in the colors you want to use for your quilt PLUS some more colors that compliment and contrast your main colors. So if I’m using greens, blues, oranges, and yellows, I’ll also include purples and magentas. And probably some black and/or greys.
- Color a Lot of Different Variations
- Grab a refreshing drink and a snack and have a relaxing 30 min, or even more – coloring is so meditative, and color away!
Come up with a layout or two of what you think you want, and then do a few versions adding in different colors, reverse the values or colors completely (color in darkly where you’ve colored in lightly previously and visa versa), do some crazy versions and have FUN stepping outside your comfort zone with ideas!
Even though you’re not committing to the “wild” designs, be open to what they show you. Play with how the colors and values create different designs and options as you change them up around the quilt.
- Finalize Your Design
- Once you’ve had some time to play, knuckle down and decide on your final design.
Don’t worry, you have all weekend to decide. We’ll pick fabrics on Monday.
- Share!
- Share your coloring pages with us on social media!!
Share your ideas and layouts in the From Blank Pages Community group on Facebook! (There are already some ideas being posted, so be sure to check them out! Maybe they’ll help give you some inspiration, too!)
Share on Instagram with #fbpRiverPond so we can easily find your posts.
- Share your coloring pages with us on social media!!